Hello I’m Helen

I’m a self-taught ceramic artist with an obsession for animals, usually the weirder and more obscure. I Iive in Brighton in the UK and travel to my studio in my home village of Cuckfield two days a week. I have Pepper and Fern the lurchers to keep me company while I’m there.

The nosey mungo story

It all began in the 80's. As a child I'd spend my time either engrossed in an art project or outside in search of wildlife. My favourite things on TV were David Attenborough documentaries and everything by Aardman - I was convinced I was going to be the next Nick Park.

​The urge to create has always stayed with me but I ended up following a path in science. I studied Geography with Biology at university and then returned to do a masters in Biodiversity Surveying. This eventually led to an amazing job at the Sussex Wildlife Trust where I deal with biodiversity data and the geeky side of nature conservation.

In 2010 the onset of fibromyalgia forced me to cut down my hours at work. I needed an alternative focus and clay was the answer. After several pottery classes I was hooked and what started as a hobby quickly turned in to a business when people liked my work enough to want to buy it.

Years later, nosey mungo has arrived. As kids this is what our mum would call us if we were being a bit too inquisitive. Being forever curious about nature will always give me new creative inspiration.